Once upon a time in a long-forgotten corner of an attic sat a child's toy from many seasons past. It was tucked away behind boxes of bobs and forgotten treasures, hidden under a mountain of dust and a thick blanket of time. Painted on the sides of the curious box were images that had once been bright and cheery but were now faded and covered by a thin layer of rust. The lid stood open in a gaping toothless yawn; the contents having escaped long ago leaving the hatch open wide. On closer inspection, and only by standing on her tiptoes, a small child who was exploring, was able to see down into the dark corners inside. There she spotted a tattered piece of paper that was yellowed and covered in grime. She scrunched her eyes tightly closed and bravely put her hand in through the old spider webs to retrieve it. Moving into the meager light the one small window provided, she carefully started to unfold her hard won prize. It was a letter carefully printed, but with no salutation, the only clue being a simple signature that read, Sincerely, Jack. Being extremely curious by nature, the child began to read: I've loosed the seams that held me fast My freedom gained, hard won at last Confined in my box a prison at best For years on this shelf my fate and un-rest. Where once I was cherished, a Joy to behold A Christmas Gift found under a green tree of gold With bright lights above and tinsel below, Where gingerbread cookies all dance in a row. A child's smile brought with squeals of delight When the handle cranked music the spindle unwinds Releasing the latch reveals hidden inside I sprang forth unhindered to laughter and light. My music unwound for many a year My spring tightly sprung, sprang unheeded with cheer But slowly these slowed with time and much use Assured that my space on this shelf was reserved. Alas, I'm unable to face unafraid The rest of my days now lost in a haze of happier times when my presence was craved Now deafening silence is joined by dismay. And so my dear friend my story's not lost I've left my confines for an adventurous cause No longer in exile in this attic dark To venture beyond will be quite a lark. Sincerely, Jack She folded the letter with tears on her cheeks and wondered what adventures this Jack may have found. Was he happy to have left this place behind? Would he ever return to his box on the shelf? Before she left her exploring adventure, she replaced the letter back in the empty box in hopes that someday Jack might return and discover the lines she had added. Dear Jack, When you tire and are in need of rest And find your box still empty upon its berth Do come and find me and you will see The space in my room you're now meant to be. Love, Emily ~Koneta 2012

Category: Stories of a sort