The Fool

Setting off on an unmarked trail Perils unseen and unexpected Unaware of what is in-store, No fear of the future or fate to unfold. Possibilities are endless as the Road stretches on, out into the unknown, Twisting and turning around Blind corners as blind hills rise up To meet the travelers’, they jaunt on. His faithful four-footed friend by his side Will share in the long days and Cold nights, a jolly companion helps to While away the hours and miles ahead. What folly, what madness drives him on? Is it innocence or just senseless direction? May-haps a lack of perspective and goals? The stalwart travelers continue their journey, With a spring in his step, a tune in his heart, His child-like countenance upon his face, The next adventure not long to await. Spirit undaunted, destination unknown, The way not lost, no wrong turns to note, No map to mark progress or schedules to mind, The journey continues in unwitting delight. 2023-Koneta
The Magician

As above So Below As without So within One arm is aloft The other descends, Four emblems of Magic The tools of his trade, Sword, Chalice, and Coin With the Wand is displayed. What bag of tricks Does this Magician hold? Can he disappear or Turn lead into gold? Can he conjure up sunshine, Or lightning and rain? Cause black clouds to billow And bring thunder’s refrain? The magic he offers Not so readily seen The power to create Manifesting your dreams. Magic comes when needed most To those who seek the path, The trickster or the master Will show his face at last. The Magician wears an illusion As anyone can clearly see, Once the mask has been removed, The reflection shows only me. ~Koneta