At her table she sits with crystal and candle Awaiting the Fool to arrive With his pockets a jing'lin And possessions in tow With his trusted little friend at ths side. The Carni'vale has come to town With tents and games a'plenty Enticing all with coin in purse To join the fun Adventure awaits the many. The Fool he passes by her tent He hears a voice a calling The cards they whisper Out his name The crystal's fog is churning... Magic is in the air this night As he steps in through the door She begs him enter To take a peek To see what lies in store. The cards are dealt, laid in a row A wondrous sight to see In childlike awe He awaits her voice For the story that is to be. From left to right the cards reveal A journey from start to end A glimpse of beauty Of love and joy And heartbreak from within. He sees the many teachers And hard lessons he will learn The path laid out before him Ever fraught with many turns. The joys of travel will rise to meet On this his journeyed path To taste of all life's Sweetness and Bitterness that won't last. The road ahead lay long and winding Determined, he will succeed With obstacles to hurdle And rewards hard won The taste of victory is sweet. The spell is broken so it seems As candles light dance in the breeze The crystal's fog now still He blinks awake All visions cleared. He finds himself now all alone Where once a lady sat Her chair now empty All traces gone All memories fading fast. The sun has set, stars now seen The moon she rises high No sound is heard The crowds have gone All is quiet but his sigh. With the promise of a moon lit night The Fool again sets off His step is light But with purpose in his stride. She watches from the shadows dark Her work tonight complete A warm muzzle at her hand Assures all is well A whispered blessing on the breeze. The Fool he did arrive as planned Foretold in crystal and card With his pockets a jing'lin His possessions in tow And his trusted little friend at this side. ~Koneta

Category: Stories of a sort